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Thursday, May 31, 2012

I really think there is someone i cannot see, always there listening....

Many believe there is nobody up there, above the skies, having control over everything existing. They believe, when we cry, nobody else can hear our cries if not a human being....but i believe , and do strongly believe there is somebody up there always listening and answering to our secret prayers.
I wanna share a very simple (for some) testimony about our Father who is in the Heavens. I really do care and feel concerned about how people react to His Grace (Which some may call good luck/ good hazard). I actually do not believe in good luck, but i believe in the Grace of GOD. I understand there is a power behind everything happening, and i am perfectly sure even physicians will not disagree on that.
This is very interesting, what i am about to share...How can a wish made from inside my heart,my soul be fulfilled so fast and perfectly? Is it hazard or something else....
This happened to me a year ago i think, do not remember the time exactly (it does not even matter). I was going back home after a hard day, tired and a bit frustrated...at the same time worried about what to eat, cause i almost ran out of means. While working, i had that worry and was talking to GOD in a way like: "YOU are the only ONE who knows what will be my food today cause i have limited means to offer me some". As i was getting closer to my building, with that thought in my heart, one of my neighbors just appeared from nowhere...
We stopped a moment to greet and have a short talk, when he asked me if i was in a hurry entering the building, i told him: "no" . Then he said he wanted to go to the store and would appreciate it if i went with him, so we could discuss a bit at the same time. I did not refuse though, so we both headed to the store. Once there he picked some food for himself and asked me to take whatever i wanted...feeling shy and shocked on how things went i could not react even. He then told me not to feel shy, and that it is a pleasure for him offering me something. After saying that he picked a lot of things for me, vegetables, fruits, bread, water, juice and many others....he kept on taking a lot of food for me that i told him it is ok, but still he would not listen...At the end he bought me a huge bag of food!!!!!! What could last for days...
I was so grateful to GOD that day, because of how HE answered my prayer, and how HE proved me He always accomplishes his word, cause HE says we do not need to worry about what to eat or what to wear, cause if our Father who is in the heaven feeds the birds of the field what about a human being....
This is exactly what happened to me, and i cannot say the fact that i meet that good neighbor that day was a pure hazard/good luck....no, he was just been used in doing the will of GOD, even not being aware of that...GOD already knew my worry even before i woke up that morning, and set a plan for me, so He could feed me via the deeds of another human like me.
So, i want all who read this to know there's always Someone up there in the heavens, and not far from us at all, who listen to all our cries be they loud or secret...He always answers, and the ways He uses to answer are so simple that we might not recognize He is the one acting at that precise minute...


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